Everyone understands that London escorts are sometimes at risk of being subjected to dangerous situations. Although some circumstances are unavoidable, there are many measures that can be taken to make the job more safe for women.
By working for an escort agency, a certain amount of protection is provided making the work much safer. First of all, the agency has the name, phone number and address of the client that the girl is with so can keep track of her movements. Secondly, a trusted driver takes the escort to and from the appointment, waiting outside. He is on hand should she need any help. The escort will also be able to inform the agency of any clients who cause any trouble, so no other girls will be sent there in the future.
It is much safer for escorts to do outcalls to a client's home or to a hotel; she is more free to leave whenever she wishes. Girls who do incalls invite the client into their home for appointments which can be very dangerous. Often, they work independently and have no security. If girls want to do incalls at their own home, the best idea is to have a flatmate in the building who knows everything about your job and when you are meeting a client. You could also send a text with the client's details to someone you trust.
Of course, the most dangerous type of escorting is to work independently and pick up clients from the street. You would have no idea whose car you were getting into - whether it's a respectable gentleman or a convicted criminal. This method of finding customers is much more rare than it used to be; with so many opportunities on the internet, there are plenty of other options to choose from.
Undoubtedly, the safest way for London escorts. to work is by joining a respected escort agency who will take bookings for you and send you with one of their drivers. It may be tempting to work independently so that you can keep 100% of the money you earn, but the amount of advertising you have to do can cost even more than the agency's commission. Escort Agencies generally give you your own profile for free with a portfolio of your photos.
As the industry becomes less taboo, more options are becoming available to girls working as escorts. Make sure you take advantage of these opportunities and work as safely as you can.
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